Sunday, May 31, 2009


Push press 5-5-5

Try starting with 65 lbs

Saturday, May 30, 2009


100 jumpjack, 75 air squat, 50 pushup, 25 squat thrust. For time

Complete each exercise before moving to the next. You can break them up into sets if its easier for you (ie 5 sets of 10 pushups) but since its for time you will want to complete the series as fast as you can!

Friday, May 29, 2009


I worked out and I'm sore still. That's what happens when I took nearly 3 months off from working out. (I'm going to post what we did....please forgive me, I don't know the names of the moves)

We ran 1 mile @ 6.5
15 Squat Presses w/ 15lb weights, back on the dreadmill until JG finished 15 sp (I was already pooped)
Then repeat 15 sp, 10 push ups (I did the real ones :), back on the dreadmill until JG finished this round.
15sp, 10 pushups, 30 walking lunges with 15lb, back on dreadmill until JG finished
15sp, 10 pushups, 30 walking lunges, 10 steps ups with 15lbs, back on dreadmill till JG finished
15sp, 10 pushups, 30 walking lunges, 10 step ups (each leg) and these squat are pulley things then back on dreadmill for one last round of hell.

Abs and crying.


Run 2k. For time

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Make sure you use this warmup everyday before the workout..

400m row - once
5 squat, 5 pushup, 5 pullup, 5 situp - for 2 rounds

WOD - Work Out of the Day

400m row - once
5 squat, 5 pushup, 5 pullup, 5 situp - for 2 rounds

Deadlift 5-5-5

*Anytime I give you a 5-5-5 your goal is to load it so that 5 is the most you could have done for the set.
I'd say you prob can get at least 135 for these. But do a warmup set to work your way up. Maybe start with 95 then 115 then 135.